Seat selection Alles, was wir nicht erinnern create calendar entry iCal/Outlook calendar Google calendar Tuesday, 25.02.2025 at 8:00 PM Thalia GAUSSSTRASSE, Gaußstraße 190 In your shopping cart you can select the following concessions for most our performances: Pupils, students, national service / volunteers and apprentices up to the age of 30 can buy reduced tickets for €11 (€17 for premieres and special performances). Recipients of ALG-I and Bürgergeld can buy tickets for €9.50 (€17 for premieres and special performances). Patrons with severe disabilities and their carers receive a 50% discount. All other concessions and tickets for wheelchair users and their guests are available at our box office or by phone 040-3281 4444. Please expect to verify your discount entitlement when entering our theatre. No single tickets available at the moment. Tickets for two or more people can be purchased at the box-office or by phone 040/32814444. magnify hallplan scale down hallplan reset hallplan Scroll to the selected tickets Selected seats **enabled Promotion